Fishing trip to Starvation reservoir with Tyson, Nichelle and Mazie Stewart. They are Colton's cousins and my new cousins. We do a lot with these two and their baby girl Erma Mazie.

We went camping on Memorial weekend to Starvation Reservoir and for Mazies birthday. We had a lot of fun even though it rained on us almost the whole time and I didn't get to go wakeboarding like planned. It is still too cold out here for me to get in the water. Soon soon.

We cooked dutch oven dinner saturday night. It was so good. Nichelle and I are awesome cooks and parents for camping trips.
I was trying to teach Mazie how to throw rocks in the water. She almost got the concept but then failed when for the fifth or so time the rock went for her mouth instead of into the water.
Colton and I got to watch Mazie while all the other crazies went out on the boat to get in the freezing water. Notice I am in a sweatshirt and I wasn't the only one, even though I'm the wimp from St. George. Ya it was cold and they were swimming.
Our group who wanted to go out and freeze their butts off. Mallory, sister in law, and Quinton, Mal's boyfriend on the right. The Stewarts in the middle and Colton finishing off on the left.
This was the favorite thing to do besides fishing, skipping rocks. This is Colton and our friend Mark Benett.