Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Sun

This year for Thanksgiving we headed south to be with my mom's whole family in Gilbert Arizona, in the Phoenix valley. Our trip began on Tuesday after work. Started in Roosevelt stopped in Orem to pick up bailey and his dog cooper then 6 hours later were in Hurricane to see my dad and Deanne for the first night. Wed we got up and went to my mom's were we left for our 8 hour drive to Gilbert. We had a great thanksgiving day with about 40 people for dinner and over 100 people show up from the rest of the family to hang out, ride horses, and play some basketball. My mom's family is very big and very fun. There is always someone to play sports with and have a great time. My aunt and uncle are in the Philippines on a mission and their house is the one to have the parties, it is plenty big to fit as many people as we had there. We had a great time being around so many family members. Colton and Chris our brother in law met a lot of new people. As we were making our drive home a few days later as the temperature was dropping more and more as we got closer to Roosevelt all Colton and I could think was, lets move south! Maybe after we go their during the summer we can decide if it could really be the place to live. When we got home to St George saturday night Starley was there waiting to open her mission call. That was fun all of us together to open that. First missionary in the fam! Of our family Starley and Trevor were the only ones who didn't make it with us. It was sad not to have them along. Even though there are ten of us we always notice when someone isn't with us.
She is headed to Independence Missouri to serve in the visitors center speaking spanish!
Reading the call
This is my cousin Brad McLaws. Notice the giant camera, he rode around the arena at full speed while caring this huge camera. We all were very concerned for the camera.
A few hanging out waiting for rides. From the left Uncle Tim, Melanie, Mckenna, Shaun, Chris, Dale and Bailey.

Mckenna, Dale and Chris riding together. I believe this was Chris first time on a horse, rid'em cowboy!
Brad thought he would have fun impersonating my mom and how she says hi to those she hasn't seen in awhile. In his words she makes them feel very special and like you are her favorite relative. He would get big eyes and open his arms wide and say their name really loud and excitedly and huge them. Here he is going after Dale.
Jenna, Colton, Me, Sterling, and Kim. Oh we are such cute cousins. These two are just a year younger than me. We were all really close growing up with a few more around our age too.
We love Kim! She lived with me for about a month and a half before we got married so I wouldnt be by myself. I wish we could have always lived together in college.
A few of the cowgirls around the place. Courtnie and Brooke. Brooke jumped on a little horse and took off on a dead sprint around the arena coming to a hault just in front of where she is sitting now. She did this at least 5 times. She couldnt reach the stirrups so we all thought for sure she would go flying off.

John and his girl friend Katy who just got engaged two nights ago. We are very excited for him. The family has been waiting for this day for John for many moons.
A few of the girls around the house. Melanie, Aunt Emily, Maria, Sheri and Drew, Sandi, Darla, and my mom.
On wed before Thanksgiving we watched Jenna play in her powderpuff footbball game. She as a ninth grader beat the eighth grades. Actually they killed them. it was fun to watch.
We were he number one fans, me, Colton, Mckenna, Chris, Star, and Trev. Mom was taking the picture.

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