Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

This year was my first year away from my family. We got the opportunity to spend it Fisher style. I was nervous I would going to have a hard time with being away but turns out I had a harder time building up to the day then on actual Christmas. Colton had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so it was good we weren't trying to go to St. George. My mom sent our presents up early so we could have them to open on Christmas. So before we headed to the parents house we opened presents from Mom and Dale. Then we headed to Roosevelt to start our evening. The Fishers have a unique tradition of eating what they call, "Macho Nachos" They are all the toppings you can imagine for nachos on Doritos with egg nog. It was a glorious, fattening meal. We then played a fun game where we all won a present and watched a movie. We had a fun night and lots of fisherness.
Momma and Papa Fisher eating up
This is all of us, minus Jen, Cody and Maddy, with our presents we won in the dice game.
These three were really enjoying the Nachos, Kirsten, Colton and Hyrum
These are a few gifts from my mom and Dale, Thanks parents!
Most interesting present Colton got, it may look like a meassly baseball bat but nope its actually a pepper grinder. Funny part is Colton doesnt like baseball at all, but its still a great addition to the kitchen.

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